Wednesday, 1/5/2024 | 9:48 UTC+0

Hiring Security Guards for Your Business

Hiring security guards for your company, industry, retail facility, commercial park, housing community and even construction site is one of the most cost-effective and efficient ways to safeguard a company, retail location, commercial building and other property from common security risks like theft, vandalism, violence and even unauthorized entry. Companies have various options when it comes to security protection, thus they have the versatility to decide on the level which best fits their individual requirements. It doesn’t matter if you need full-time guards, contract or part-time guards or even self-employed security guards, you will find security guard services in your area. Some areas have security companies who offer 24-hour service while some security firms only offer emergency services. This means that you have the freedom to hire guards according to your budget and timetable.

hiring security guards for your business


When choosing security guards, you have to consider your unique security needs. A representative from the security guards’ company will be able to assess your needs and guide you through the entire hiring process. They can walk you through the entire application process and even conduct background checks. Security guards are required to undergo basic training after graduating from high school, but with the advent of Internet security and video surveillance, most security guards gain quick certification and are ready to step into the job.

In today’s society, technology has provided us with several options when hiring security professionals. Hiring qualified and professional security guard company agents enable businesses to provide peace of mind and security to their tenants and employees. Security guards employ a host of essential tools and equipment including firearms, security gear, handcuffs and batons. As mentioned, security guards are now categorized into two categories namely hourly and contract guards. Hourly guards are also referred to as security guard technicians whereas contract guards are usually employed by large companies and government agencies.

Before hiring security guards for your business premises, it is crucial to conduct a thorough background check on the prospective guards. Most security firms employ CCTV cameras and security guard systems that help in ensuring security on your premises. However, hiring an experienced and well-trained security guard company is always advisable. It is important to consider the following factors when hiring professional security guards for your business:

o Professionalism Never compromises on the quality of service and expertise of security guards hired for your premises. Hiring highly skilled personnel with proper training and certifications will help protect you from various security risks. Always conduct a thorough background check on security guard candidates. If you are hiring a company that offers on-the-job training, then also look at the training requirements.

o Security guard training Every security guard must undergo proper training and qualification so that they are able to efficiently provide security services. Most states require security guard employees to obtain a minimum number of hours of training. Moreover, the training should include classroom, on-the-job, field and driving-of-snow training, emergency procedures and other relevant training. Make sure the security guard training program is offered by a reputable training institution.

o Security staff evaluation is very important before hiring security guards. A security guard company should be able to assess the skills of the guards efficiently and suggest ways to improve their efficiency. For instance, if there are defective security equipment at your store, then the defective equipment should be repaired immediately. If you have an inadequate number of security personnel at your store, then you may hire additional guards to help in managing the situation. Thus, security staff evaluation is very important in selecting security guards.

o Guarantee – Security firms offering on-the-job training should offer a guarantee to the customers that in case they are not able to learn how to properly handle their job, they will be given a complete refund. This guarantee will ensure that the customers are satisfied and are not disappointed by hiring security guards. If you hire security guards with a no-guarantee policy, chances are high that they may refuse to work for you. Therefore, it is necessary to have a no-guarantee policy to avoid these situations.
